Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tunisie: les islamistes gagnent les élections neuf mois après la révolution
Le parti islamiste Ennahda a remporté les élections du 23 octobre en Tunisie avec 41,47% des suffrages, neuf mois après la chute de l'ex-président Ben Ali, selon le résultat final provisoire annoncé jeudi soir par la commission électorale (Isie). ... Tunisie: les islamistes gagnent les élections neuf mois après la révolution
民主 TPP意見集約めど立たず
民主党執行部は、TPP=環太平洋パートナーシップ協定の交渉への参加の是非について、来月前半までに結論を出したいとして、28日から作業チームで議論を本格化させますが、慎重派の議員の反発は根強く、意見集約のめどは立っていない状況です。 ...民主 TPP意見集約めど立たず
Morresi: "Ante cada medalla, Néstor sabe que su esfuerzo no fue en vano”
La sensación que sentimos los que amamos el deporte es que, desde hace exactamente un año, hemos perdido a un inmenso compañero. Un compañero, Néstor Kirchner, que con políticas eficaces y rápidas; con proyectos, decretos y leyes, respaldó a cada ... Morresi: "Ante cada medalla, Néstor sabe que su esfuerzo no fue en vano"
A pécsi alvilág kiismerhetetlen
Jegyzet | A felszín alatt létezik egy másik város. Ami látszólag csöndben van, és nem csinál semmit, és ezért hajlamosak vagyunk elfeledkezni róla. "Tetszik" / "Like" gomb. Ezzel a gombbal a Facebookon fejezheted ki tetszésedet a cikkel kapcsolatban ... A pécsi alvilág kiismerhetetlen
Imtaehui's leaders expressed ...与flare reorganization?
Soon Park to the Grand National Party in the election of the Mayor of Seoul, the Blue House in seongaepaebaee chaekimron 데다 two surfaced from 20 in their forties and large pyocha teotbatin Gangnam, Seocho area also appeared to be narrowly ahead of the election results only contained in the will of the people ... believed to be due to work here. andagoImtaehui's leaders expressed ...与flare reorganization?
邓保生:陶瓷发展优先 建设创意经济城市(图)
报道:10月27日上午,江西省党代会代表、景德镇市委书记邓保生接受了大江网记者专访。他表示,苏荣书记的《报告》振奋人心,使人深受鼓舞。这是一个以科学发展观为指导、符合江西实际和时代要求的报告,是一个承前启后、继往 ... 邓保生:陶瓷发展优先 建设创意经济城市(图)
İhracat arttı
Türkiye'de Eylül ayında ihracat, geçen yılın aynı dönemine göre yüzde 21,1 artarak 10 milyar 790 milyon dolara, ithalat ise yüzde 35,5 artarak 21 milyar 204 milyon dolara ulaştı. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TÜİK), Eylül ayı geçici dış ticaret verilerini ... İhracat arttı
Parliament, the Korea-US FTA should be treated bijunan gamdolah war cloud
[News tomato adjustment hungija] scheduled for the 28th National Assembly of the US-Korea FTA (Free Trade Agreement) consent and approval (no), place the handle over again, night is War clouds hang over. The 27th Grand National Party "to promote the Korea-US FTA will mean bijunan means" reaffirmed, and the Democrats '10 ... more toxins termsParliament, the Korea-US FTA should be treated bijunan gamdolah war cloud
施打流感疫苗 幼兒莫忘第2劑
(中央社記者陳清芳台北27日電)衛生署疾病管制局今天表示,超過8萬名嬰幼兒已接種流感疫苗,民眾接種意願提高,家長應儘早攜帶首次接種的孩子前往接種第2劑,以免疫苗用罄無法完成接種。 疾管局指出,6個月以上、3歲以下嬰幼兒適用0.25 毫升(mL)劑型流感疫苗,今年採購23 ... 施打流感疫苗 幼兒莫忘第2劑
River population friend
Indices and stock prices in Hong Kong, "Hang Seng Indexes Company Ltd. (Co., 數有 finger Hang Seng)" and "Co., Ltd. Discipline 訊 investment trading post in Hong Kong," which is provided by subsidiaries and holding companies and their numbers delayed 15 min We are shown. (Disclaimer) Shanghai index and Shenzhen stock "securities trading in Shanghai.River population friend
究竟是哪些地方保障房"部分质量不过关",应该有一个透明的公示,后续的处理和问责,也应该及时公开。笼统而一笔带过的"部分质量不过关",终究显得有点轻描淡写,这显然与公众在这个问题上的密切关注需求不符 住建部部 ... 保障房"部分质量不过关"也应零容忍
包头一中学给优秀生穿红校服 被紧急叫停
放学了,内蒙古自治区包头市二十四中的学生走出了教室,穿红色校服的同学显得格外打眼。这种红校服是优秀生的专利,普通学生穿的是蓝色或白色校服。红校服背面,印有白色"包24中优秀生"的大字,下面还有"翔锐房地产"的 ... 包头一中学给优秀生穿红校服 被紧急叫停
2.47% population decline prefecture 14,930,143 people
County on March 26, 2010 Census (as of 1 October) announced the final results of the. The prefecture has a population 14,930,143 people (33,260,067 people males, 81,670,075 females) # 26 nationally. 63,220,003 people in 2005 compared to the previous (2.47%) was down, the population has decreased except Matsuyama Prefecture and 19 municipalities. ...2.47% population decline prefecture 14,930,143 people
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